
Life is a big deal and it can be challenging. Sometimes you may wake up feeling stuck, noticing that you’re not particularly fulfilled and definitely not happy. Maybe you have decisions to make that feel hard and challenges that seem to drain your energy to the point of throwing up your hands in frustration and even despair. Enjoying your life can take focus, intention and the decision to get some help and support finding your way to your own best answers.

Life coaching is for all of this and more. Maybe you already know what life coaching is and you’d like to give it a try. Or perhaps you’ve wondered about it but don’t know really what it’s about.

Life coaching, or coaching as it’s often referred to, is a partnership, a safe place to think out loud, and someone to ask you the questions that will lead you to your own best answers. Coaching is a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to see what you want, and find your way to it.

Coaching with Jane includes powerful questions and deep listening as you process those questions, and she’ll reflect back to you insights that further inspire your process of finding your answers.

You may touch on topics such as:

  • Getting clear on your life’s purpose
  • Defining your values and living according to them
  • Building your confidence
  • Gaining and sustaining motivation
  • Happiness skills and practices to support the changes you make
  • Growing your spiritual awareness of yourself
  • Living in your personal sense of balance
  • Getting the guidance and support you’ve wanted

Coaching sessions are 60 minutes, by phone or video conference. In person is also an option in Colorado Springs.

Jane offers a 30-45 minute introductory session at no charge, so you can experience what coaching is like. If you decide to go forward with coaching from there, Jane will discuss pricing with you at that time.

Click here to ask a question or schedule a session with Jane.